Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following entry earlier today.
Have you ever had a situation whereby you thought you had a close friend(s) & when you needed him or her they weren't there.
Such is the case with myself with 2 very close friends & their families the last year with deaths in my Immediate family & they weren't their for support. Feeble excuses.
I heard Positively 4th Street (Bob Dylan) on the way home from work & it hit the nail on the head. The lyrics opened my eyes.
Listen to the words - Do I forward these lyrics to these people.
I'm debating. My heart or my head?
It's funny, but I've been thinking similar thoughts lately. You won't know who's a real friend until you're in trouble. Fair-weather friends are a dime a dozen. A true friend through the rough patches is a far rarer gem.
In regards to your question, the lyrics are spot on, but I wouldn't send them. They've done you a favour. Now you let sleeping dogs lie.