Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following entry earlier today.
Scary stuff happening here with HEAVY rain & HIGH winds at 10:00pm. The power went out for 15 minutes 1 hour ago. Garbage day is tomorrow & recycle box's items & garbage is strewn all over our street. "Dad come in the house & don't worry about the garbage". I was almost knocked off my feet - that's how bad the winds were. The rain was worse than when freezing rain hits your face in winter. This was serious $H!+.
The lights are flickering again & the winds are picking up.I've never seen anything like this in my 40 or so years as things were sunny & calm to lightning & thunder & HEAVY rain in less than 5 minutes.
Too much heat & humidity - things will only get worse as its only the middle of July.
As i'm writing this, the Caledon detachment of the OPP are saying through their speakers in their cars to stay indoors as they are driving through our streets now.
twins from bolton
Last night at about 10:30 we lost power for about ten seconds and then it came back only to leave us again five minutes later for about twenty minutes. Looking out the window I remember noting how ominous the sky looked and enjoying nature's little light show. It sounds like Bolton got it worse than west Toronto.
'Cause it's the new mother nature taking over. It's the new splendid lady come to call. It's the new mother nature taking over. She's getting us all, she's getting us all.