I just read about Cristina Clayton. Camping at Sandbanks Provincial Park near Picton when a 4-month-old boy was struck by a falling tree, she moved on to another camp site northeast of Peterborough where she was killed by a falling tree during yesterday's storm. Reading about her reminded me of an incident that happend to me a couple of weekends ago.
Packing up our camp site in the pouring rain, I was taking down the tent when I heard a crash. I quickly looked over my shoulder to ensure James was okay when I saw a massive piece of tree had fallen a mere two feet from where my four-year-old son was gathering his toys. There was a few moments when I connected the dots and thought to myself "that didn't just happen, did it?" A night of heavy rain must have softened the branches in the trees above. James was oblivious to it all except he found it cool that a big branch had crash landed so close by.
They say baseball is a game of inches. Life is also a game of inches, where a couple of feet here and there can make a lifetime of difference. Ya just never know...