I didn't have a chance to write today with work and ball, so here are a few thoughts on a Wednesday night.
- When I moved this site to Movable Type, I introduced a sweet little plugin that displays the last seven photos I uploaded to my Flickr account in the sidebar. A good friend wrote the thing and it's great, except for one thing. When Flickr is down, as it has been all night, you can't update my site. I deleted the reference to the plugin to post this.
- I had been wondering why a Cayman Islands radio station was so heavily promoting the fact they play The Tragically Hip. The guy who runs the station just left a comment that explains "The Cayman Islands is home to a HUGE population of Canadian ex-pats". Of course...
- Every day dozens of people find their way to this entry about Harold Hosein. Many of the comments being left are quite sincere and heartfelt. You get the impression Hosein gave all and was let go in the most disrespectful manner. With the hits this entry about Humble Howard is getting, I wonder if there will be a similar collection of farewells and good wishes.
- Tonight's Raging Storm slo-pitch game was awesome. We played wicked D and hit like crazy to win 17-5. I made my triumphant return to shortstop and played one hulleva game in the field. I also went 4 for 5 at the plate, but the main thing is it was damn fun. The thrill of the grass!
We will now return to our regular blogging schedule.