Wedding Crashers: 5 out of 10.
Sigh. Where have all the good comedies gone? "Wedding Crashers" was too long, too predictable, and not particularly funny. Sure, I chuckled a few times, but there were no belly laughs. When I saw "There's Something About Mary", I remember belly laughs. Where the hell are my belly laughs?
I realize this movie was from last summer, but I'm usually about a year behind on my flicks. Over the past year, I kept seeing references to "Wedding Crashers" which actually tricked me into expecting a fairly funny movie. I just saw it clean up at the recent MTV Movie Awards, although I guess I should have known better than to have attached expectations to that. This was weak, no stronger than "Dodgeball", which actually got a higher rating from me. I want belly laughs!
Tomorrow I'll run down my five favourite Owen Wilson movies. I can think of at least three hysterical flicks the dude has starred in. This wasn't one.