Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to I received the following entry earlier today.
I realized seconds after my speech yesterday that I had forgotten to thank Mike, Ryan and my brother, Matt, for being part of our wedding party. It meant a lot to Steve and I to have you standing beside us on our wedding day.
We also wanted to thank Mike for doing such a fantastic job with the music. It was great!!!
Hillary Swank forgot to thank her husband during her Oscar acceptance speech and look what happened to them. I threw together two mix CDs, acted as best man and took many photos from that ideal vantage point yet I was excluded from your thank you speech in which you thanked everyone under the sun. I heard a thanks for the guy who delivered the morning paper which promised a rain-free day, the woman who served your friend a double-double at Tim's that morning, the grocer for the wonderful meat, the middlemen who jacked up the price, and the humane but determined boys over at the slaughterhouse.
You're welcome.