Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following entry earlier today.
BBall season is upon us. 2 kids playing for 2 different REP teams. 1 playing a division up - he's 14 playing with 15-17 year olds & holding his own so far. The other playing in his own age group - 14 years old.
A difficult decision we as parents have to make but 1 of the kids is that much better than the other. Travelling from Whitby to Burlington, Bradford to Leaside every week. Fortunately only 2 or 3 conflicts but going steady 3-4 days a week. Each also umpire - another conflict!
Weekends are not a time for relaxing - tournaments - Burlington, Thornhill, Kincardine, Chatham & Orillia. Both kids also practice on weekends. 4 weekends this summer away but we also have our own 2 tourneys in Bolton.
Parents get involved its very rewarding as I've coached Rep BBall for 5 years & house league for 3 years & time to have a different perspective of your kids & how they interact with others their own age. Confidence & self esteem.
No games tonight - but worked tonight till 7:00pm. I still love it. See how I am in September. The next 2 weeks 1 kid has 11 games in 10 days & the other has 5 games in the same period. Do I have a wife - I sure do. She is also on the Bolton Baseball Exec. committee.
We do it for the kids. Parents GET involved it's rewarding in any sport your kids are playing.
twins from bolton
If you had the foresight to discourage your kids from participating in activities of this nature you could be enjoying your evenings in front of the boob tube sucking back a brewski while your kids play video games in the next room. Now you've got 11 games in 10 days. Thanks for the warning!