Bret Boone retired today. Only a few seasons ago he was an MVP candidate and elite player. It doesn't take long to go from hero to boob in the sporting world.
Ed Belfour once owned this city. In April 2004, less than two years ago and the very last NHL season played, I wrote this after we disposed of the Senators in seven. I was on top of the world and I had Belfour to thank. He was brilliant and I was euphoric.
Today, I'm writing about how his services are no longer required. He's having a bad year and we can't afford to give up one or two softies a game if we want to qualify for post season play. I believe he's done and it's time to relieve him of his #1 goaltender status.
When it comes to your hockey team, it's not what you did last season that counts, it's what you've done for us lately. In less than one season Belfour has gone from brilliant to dull.