Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following entry earlier today.
From ur site I have really developed an obsession for the Simpsons. I used to watch it religiously a few years back in the 90s then somehow lost interest. Until last year when they started showing a repeat of it at 1 am. Since I normally reach home at 12 am and sleep only by 2, it was perfect for me to unwind after a day's work by chilling out to the yellow family.
Two days ago it was the episode in which Homer gets put in an institute for the insane and he shares a room with a big white guy who says & speaks like he is Michael Jackson. And Homer takes him home to Springfield and "Mike" and Bart compose a birthday song for Lisa as a present. Was I ashamed more of the fact that I actually remembered the lyrics of the chorus ("Lisa it's ur birthday, Happy Birthday Lisa") or that a couple of tears went down my eyes as I smiled into the night and sang along? Maybe it was just some dust!!
Don't be ashamed, be proud! That's one of my favourite episodes and I too love that song. In fact, when James was a toddler, he used to love singing and dancing to that song which led to a rather memorable video I used to share. Maybe I'll dig it up and share it again...