With Taryn and James in Ottawa for the weekend, it's been just Michelle and I in the T.Dot these past few days. This was Michelle's first weekend away from Mommy and, naturally, my first weekend alone with my eighteen month old daughter. Needless to say, I learned a great deal.
- Dressing her is easy. Throw on a onesie, a pair of overalls and socks and you're done. It's that simple.
- When in doubt, go to Elmo. Elmo is her hero.
- Don't worry about cleaning up after her, she'll clean up after you. Following a bath with toys she'll shake off all the water and gently deposit each toy in the basket before she'll let you dry her off. After a meal, she'll bring the plate to the kitchen. If you go to Tim Hortons, she'll make sure every piece of trash makes its way to the bin.
- She's not a big eater. Make sure she has access to healthy snacks throughout the day because she's a big grazer.
- Like her brother before her, she really likes it when Homer says "doh!".
- She's easily pleased. She just wants you to throw her a funny face, sing the alphabet song with her or bury her in kisses/hugs/tickles.
- She easily pleases. She'll make you feel like the most important person on the face of the earth when you throw her a funny face, sing the alphabet song with her or bury her in kisses/hugs/tickles.
My Michelle weekend was nothing short of marvelous.