Tonight I heard the most refreshing interview with Kurt Vonnegut on CBC Radio One. His candor and honesty had be hanging on every syllable. Vonnegut is 83 now and sounds quite disappointed that he's lived this long. As he pointed out in the interview, he's been chain smoking filter-less Pall Mall cigarettes since he was twelve and should have expired long ago.
In the interview, Vonnegut voiced great displeasure at the direction his country has taken. He thinks Bush is an idiot, the USA is as disliked throughout the world as Nazis and the elderly should apologize to the youth for the mess they've left behind. He praises jazz and the blues as cures for depression and considers them America's one blessing upon the world. His insight into humour as a means of fighting horrible atrocities, from the Holocaust to war, was also enlightening. I found the entire piece riveting.
Listen to this man while he's still with us. His perspective on things isn't only refreshing, it's spot on.