Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following entry earlier today.
Totally disgusting. Where is the leadership on this team? NOBODY has stepped up their game. We're playing like a B or C divsion team. So what, we make the next round & play teams that will annialate us if we don't suck it up. Quinn, Gretzky - time to do your thing before its too late.
Personally it's already late enough. Bertuzzi - WHY? Playing selfish & for himself.
twins from bolton
After the second period, one of the players was asked who took the lead in the dressing room to shake things up. The response spoke volumes. The player, Rob Blake I believe, said it wasn't one guy in particular but everyone. Somebody needs to assume a leadership position on this team and make sure everyone knows they're accountable for their lack of effort. This is why I said back in December that Brenden Shanahan belonged on Team Canada. Shanny could do and Shanny would do it.
I wonder if we'll salvage a preliminary round win against the Czechs? I wonder if it matters? Who would have guessed that a team with Nash, Thornton, Iginla, St. Louis, Lecavalier, Gagne, Sakic and others would have such difficultly scoring a single goal?
Two extremely frustrating games... Our expectations are sky high and our guys are in the dirt.