In the years between being a kid and having kids of my own, the Christmas season was missing something. Not being a particularly religious guy, Christmas requires a child-like innocence and excitement to elevate it from a couple of days off to something magic.
Although it's only December 17, this is already the best Christmas ever, and it's all because of James and Michelle. James is totally into it this year. He practically decorated the tree by his lonesome and he's decorating Grandma's tree today. Every day he excitedly visits our Advent calendar as he counts down the days until Santa's visit. Every morning he demands the lights on the Christmas tree be lit immediately and they can't be turned off until he's asleep. He's deliriously happy and that makes me deliriously happy.
Michelle isn't really sure what's going on, but she loves the new addition to our living room and she senses something exciting in the air. Like James at that age, she hasn't quite grasped the concept that the guy with white hair and a beard who says "Ho, Ho, Ho" is bringing her toys and such for Christmas. She's feeding off of James' delirium and doesn't care why.
If you're experiencing the doldrums this season, find yourself a kid and tap into their spirit. It's awfully infectious and unbelievably satisfying.