It's the year-end list you've been waiting for. I've already documented my favourite albums of 2005 and now here are my ten favourite songs of 2005.
10. Wolf Parade's I'll Believe In Anything
I only got into this band recently when a friend insisted I listen to Apologies to the Queen Mary. When I first heard this album, I had to hear it again. At the time I didn't know where Wolf Parade was from but their raw sound seemed to capture what I dig about Arcade Fire. The song "I'll Believe In Anything" struck a chord with me and became my favourite cut on this fine disc. It turns out these guys are from Victoria and are based out of Montreal. Go figure... and go listen!
9. The Strokes' Juicebox
This is the new single from these guys and will on their new album. It's that sound I love from these guys - great screaming over a catchy hook.
8. Louis XIV's Finding Out True Love Is Blind
This tune is a little silly, but it's a great single with funky lyrics and a nice juxtaposition between the sexually aggressive male voice and female harmonies. It's pure fun.
7. Elliott Brood's The Bridge
I first wrote about this tune back in November after hearing it on CBC Radio's "The National Playlist". I've since scored an MP3 of the tune and I'm still digging it. It's got a Simon & Garfunkel meets Blind Melon quality to it before it breaks down at the 1:25 mark in a rustic sort of dirty Texas way before sweetly returning to the aforementioned melody.
6. System of a Down's B.Y.O.B.
These guys always have something interesting to say. This was the first single from the first of their two albums released in 2005. It's catchy enough to dance to and angry enough to be vintage SOAD.
5. The Mars Volta's The Widow
Some have called this song pretentious. If an original, jazzy, manic, epic track like this is pretentious, pretent away!
4. Stars' Your Ex-Lover Is Dead
If you hurry, I'm sharing this song right now. Again I like the play between the male and female voices in a raw yet melodious package.
3. The New Pornographers' Use It
Did I mention I like this album? Oh yeah, it's my favourite album of 2005. Guess what's my favourite song on my favourite album of 2005?
2. Death From Above 1979's Romantic Rights
Wow. This is my kind of single. It's got a great beat and a totally raw and rough sound. The remixes of this song are all good too. I could create a playlist of all five versions of this track I have, shuffle them and never get bored.
1. Arcade Fire's Wake Up
I'm not sure this song qualifies for this list, but it's my site and I'll do as I please! From an album that was released in 2004, this was my favourite song of 2005. I've rambled on about it before. It's a perfect single and still a delight to hear. I see it's finally cracked the top ten of the Thursday 30 at CFNY Edge 102. Reaching #1 is only a matter of time.