The other day, a friend and I were discussing Beck's "Loser". It is a slacker anthem of sorts and as such it comes up in conversations now and then. At some point during this chat, I recited the lyric "I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?". My friend gently pointed out that the actual lyric was "I'm a loser baby, so why don't you cure me?". I begged to differ.
I've been singing that song for years and I had no doubt that it was "kill me" and not "cure me". We argued about this for a little while, each presenting our case, and then we hit Beck's official site for confirmation. I was right, it was in fact "kill me".
As an apathetic slacker anthem, "cure me" was far too hopeful. Beck was acknowledging he was a loser with no interest in being cured. With no hope in sight, he begged to be killed. There's no cure for what ails him. Soy un perdedor.