I realized the other day that James is now three and I've yet to take him to the movies. He's been to special kid showings of flicks, but he's never been to a real theatre to watch a real movie. I hit the net and searched for a movie we'd both enjoy. This was no easy task.
I myself haven't been to a movie in a very long time because I refuse to sit through something mediocre. When it comes to scouting out G rated flicks that I can get into, the picking is ultra thin. Thankfully, I discovered "March of the Penguins". A review will follow this entry, but I can tell you it turned out to be the ideal father-son movie. It was playing at the Cumberland so James and I jumped on the bus and took the subway East to Bay.
Following the movie, we partook in an age old ritual and grabbed a hot dog, or Manuel as I call it (an entry about the origin of this term is coming too) from a street vendor. Here you can see James enjoying himself on the steps at Yonge and Bloor. Following our Manuels, we made our way South on Yonge passing my old apartment, the shrine and other such attractions.
Walking from Bloor to Dundas along Yonge is a path I used to follow daily, but now only rarely. What struck me was how little things have changed. Sure, the Uptown is gone and there's now a Yonge-Dundas square, but it's pretty much the same as it ever was. Probably the biggest difference was walking the strip and seeing it all again for the first time, through the eyes of my son.