Earlier today I bitched about the Foo frustration I was feeling trying to rip "In Your Honor" to MP3. I mentioned I had a few tricks up my sleeve, and one of them just worked.
I had a friend rip them with AnyDVD, which celebrates the fact it can play, copy and rip protected Audio CDs. It worked wonderfully and produced some fine sounding files. I finally have my Foo.
I should read the archives of my own site more often. It turns out I've been down this road before. Back in October I had a similar experience with the Beastie Boys' "To The 5 Boroughs". It too refused to play on my home PC because of copy control software. At work, however, I had no problems ripping that CD whereas I couldn't get "In Your Honor" to rip properly without the assistance of AnyDVD.
In my honour indeed.