Every six months, my friend Mark and I get together, usually at a Tim Hortons, and bless the SLS playlist. Prior to this ritual, via email and instant messenger, we negotiate.
Each edition of SLS is to be no longer than 80 minutes long. Which songs will make up that 80 minutes is something we must agree upon. Thankfully, we both share the same vision of SLS meaning we're on the same wave length over 90% of the time. Sometimes, however, we have very different opinions about a song or two. When this happens, the negotiates are rapid and fierce.
SLS13 is due at the end of June. I just whittled down the 80 minutes of tunes I'd like to see making up this installment, but I've left a song Mark digs off the list. There's no room for the unfulfilling, mediocre "The Hand That Feeds" from Nine Inch Nails on my list. I'm anticipating quite the battle.
If you could throw only one song on a mix right now, and your choices were "The Hand That Feeds" from Nine Inch Nails or "Tonight Tonight" from Hot Hot Heat, which one would you choose? For me, it's not even close.