Toronto Mike


A Movie Reel

Saved!: 5.5 out of 10.

I enjoyed the first thirty minutes of this flick.  It was a fairly likable send up of those ultra Christian communities out there.  You know the WWJD - Dubya voting - left behind - holier than thou people that are begging to be satired now and then.  "Saved!" had a good start.

Unfortunately, "Saved!" falters after this point and becomes rather tedious.  By the time it's over, you're wishing you had quit while you were ahead.  Still, a fresh start and 30 minutes of decency earn this movie a passing grade.

As Pastor Skip said, "Let's get our Christ on, let's kick it Jesus-style!"

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.