Theory Of A Deadman is getting plenty of airplay lately from their hit "No Surprise". The first time I heard this song I deemed in unworthy of SLS, but I also realized the appeal. It's got a incredibly catchy hook.
Sometimes I think songs are recorded with the sole purpose of being catchy. "No Surprise" is a good example of this. It's a fairly empty tune that seems to exist for the "Well it ain't no surprise" melody and nothing more. It's bubble gum pop, really, but a song you'll subconsciously sing along to in the shower. You know you shouldn't like it and you don't, but you still groove to it but feel guilty afterwards.
There is one thing about "No Surprise" I like, and that's the surprise in the song. It's a poppy, catchy song that I envision soccer moms digging. These soccer moms probably bob their head to the tune, singing along to the hook, but there's a little surprise on the end of that hook. I'd love to see the soccer mom's face upon hearing the end of the chorus and "that bitch is leaving me".
Such a safe song completely ruined for little Tyler and Britney. At least Theory Of A Deadman did something right.