It's tough to say what might be the most overrated band ever, but it very well could be Kiss. For some inexplicable reason, Kiss have legions of fans all over the world. They call themselves the Kiss Army and buy up Kiss merchandise and worship the band as the greatest ensemble in rock and roll.
How did this happen? If you look at the catalogue of music produced by bands like The Who, Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones, you can at least acknowledge the existence of some fantastic songs, even if you don't personally enjoy them. The same can be said for bands like Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Eagles and The Doors and artists like Elton John, Alice Cooper, David Bowie, Neil Young and Bob Dylan. Somehow, Kiss is on par with such artists, despite the fact their music is mediocre and wholly unmemorable. Is a personal dislike for their sound clouding my opinion? No, I listed The Eagles up there as a band that has talent and produces memorable songs despite the fact I can't stand them. Kiss is an average rock band that too often relies on gimmicks as overcompensation for their lack of talent.
Last night on MuchMoreMusic they were airing a biography on Kiss, referring to them as one of the great bands of their time. The Kiss phenomenon continues to baffle me. They might just be the most overrated band ever.