Earlier today I heard journalist Jim Kelly thinking aloud on the local sports radio station. He had an idea that rather intrigues me.
He thought the Maple Leafs should go ahead and sign Sidney Crosby as soon as possible. The NHL would probably raise a stink, but in the absence of a collective bargaining agreement and with Crosby essentially an unrestricted free agent, it may be difficult to reverse. The end result could be something that benefits all. The next one is in the world's biggest hockey market following a most unpopular stoppage of play.
It's no secret the Leafs are one of the teams that would rather be playing right now. It would be a bold and courageous move for the fans of the great team if they did reached into their wallet and snag the biggest fish in the sea. The Leafs securing the rights to Crosby through this ordeal is a thought I've had before. In fact, I wrote about it on March 4th and said, "As a Leafs fan, I'm quietly wondering if this might be a silver lining in the clouds. If they decide to make all players who missed the draft due to the lock out free agents, isn't it possible that the deep pocketed Maple Leafs go for broke and bring us that elusive megastar? Imagine Crosby in blue and white without having to finish out of the playoffs to get him. It is a possibility."
Perhaps Kelly did some Googling on the weekend...