Inhale deeply, close your eyes and listen closely. Can you hear it? I hear wind rustling between long blades of grass while the crack of the bat echoes in the background. There's the sound of ball on leather and a crowd erupting in cheer following a two-bagger for the home team. And then, there's one of my favourite sounds in the world. The sound of Tom Cheek and Jerry Howarth calling Blue Jays baseball.
A smile creeps upon my face when I think about turning on my radio and hearing those two describing a ball game. Their tones have been bringing me baseball for as long as I can remember. A glance at the Spring Training schedule reveals the Jays battle the Minnesota Twins tomorrow in Fort Myer to begin their Grapefruit schedule. Soon the season will start afresh with a clean slate. We're tied in first and right with the Yankees and Red Sox. It's a time of optimism and hope. It's time for Tom and Jerry.
Go Jays Go.