I mentioned I uncovered some gems from my past recently. Here's an excerpt from one of the documents I found. I wrote this at 13:27 EST on August 23, 1996.
Yesterday was weird. Earlier in the day a man held a knife to a fellow Price Chopper cashier's neck. He made off with the cash but was later caught. The cashier was unhurt but had to go home because she was so shaken. Later, during my shift, I witnessed a thief run from Pharma Plus and I saw him held down by a group of men. Then, while biking home in the dark, stormy weather, I could have sworn I saw a car lean on the horn before two gunshots rang out. I now realize they were not gunshots but I wasn't going to hang around to find out. I went ballistic on my pedals and hit 50 clicks. Taryn and I went to rent a movie and the sky opened up. We rented Desparado. It had some cool fight scenes and a good role by Steve Buschemi but it wasn't as good as I had hoped. I work today from five to ten and then I plan to make a pizza. Pizza is good, I love pizza. Lyle Odelein was just traded from Montreal to New Jersey in exchange for Stephane Richer.
Enthralling, eh? I've got pages and pages of this stuff.