While I slept last night, the NHLPA agreed to accept a salary cap. This was a most significant concession on their part. The NHL offered to remove its demand for a link between league revenues and player costs, a most significant concession on their part. With this glorious, unexpected progress being made at the eleventh hour, the NHLPA offered to accept a cap at $52 million. Sounds good, doesn't it?
Bettman said no and talks broke down. The NHL won't accept a cap at $52 million but wants $40 million. They're going for broke on this one, even if it destroys the game I love.
Losing this season would be devastating for the NHL. Americans stopped caring long ago and now Canadians are becoming fed up with this pissing contest. To think they'd come this close on February 15th only to flip Stanley the bird over a difference of $12 million per team. It's enough to make me want to scowl.
Once Bettman cancels the season, I'll be sending him a letter and sharing it here. His actions are abhorrent.