Toronto Mike

Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again

I read warnings like this one just about every day.  Security experts are always alerting us of new and highly critical security flaws in Microsoft Internet Explorer.  This time, visiting a malicious web site could leave an IE user's computer vulnerable to malicious code.  I don't have to worry.  I tossed IE to the curb long ago.  I use Firefox.

Viewing the stats for this site I see the majority of my visitors are still using Internet Explorer as their web browser.  I don't get it.  What's wrong with you people?  If you were to install and use Firefox for one day you'd never go back.  Forgetting about the security benefits for a moment, the usability benefits are extraordinary.  All things being equal, I'm sure no one in their right mind would choose Internet Explorer over Firefox.  Therefore, all of you people viewing this page with that damn blue "e" in the top left corner are simply using it because it came with your operating system.  In other words, it won you over by default, but it's never actually won your heart.  Do yourself a favour and get Firefox.  Go on.  It's time you see what you're missing.

This past weekend I was looking to create a multi-level menu with pure CSS.  I managed to get it to behave perfectly with valid, clean code, but there was one problem.  It wouldn't work in Internet Explorer.  Reason #254 why you should switch today...if you haven't done so already.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.