Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following submission earlier today.
Number four? Having your first nephew born on the same day as your first girl against astronomical odds and it hits number 4 on your list of top blogs of 2004??? Rude Mike, very, very rude. I can see throwing the birth of Michelle up there. And all that mushy stuff about James is touching, but it's got to fall behind the day you had both a second child and first nephew blessed upon you!! Foreshame Michael Wayne Boon, Foreshame!
Oh yeah, on a totally different topic, if anyone is watching the Juniors play, it should be quite clear that we MUST REMOVE THE TWO LINE PASS OFFSIDE CALL. Hockey is great and so much more fun without it. That's it. Happy New Year to all!
Yesterday I listed my ten favourite blog entries of 2004 and "My Nephew" ranked number four. In any other calendar year I'm sure it would have ranked number one but this year it was beat out by two entries about the birth of Michelle and "My New Year", an entry that still brings a tear to my eye when I read it. No disrespect to Zander, he's a righteous dude, but if I don't give primary props to Michelle and James I'll have some explaining to do when they're able to read the archives.
And yes, I'm definitely watching the juniors and I do find the lack of red line exciting. If the NHL ever resumes, I think they should follow suit. I can see Mogilny springing Sundin now. Sigh...