Unwilling to wait for it to become official, I cancelled the 2004/2005 NHL season back on Christmas Eve. I'm glad I did as its given me a period of time to accept what I cannot control. Any day now Gary Bettman will call a press conference and explain to this country that we can forget about a Stanley Cup playoffs this spring.
Lord Stanley's sacred mug has been awarded every year since 1893 except for 1919 when Spanish influenza interfered. It's one thing for the NHL to shut their doors but it's another to keep The Stanley Cup locked away until this lock out ends. Rod Payne, a lawyer from Edmonton, is fighting this cause on our behalf. He believes the Cup was decreed a challenge cup by its donator, Lord Stanley, and that the NHL shouldn't have control over it. It's a long shot, but wouldn't it be wonderful if The Stanley Cup was still awarded this year. FreeStanley.com is sharing Payne's 13-page legal opinion on the matter as well as more information on this worthy cause.
Life is too short for me to curse out Bettman and Bob Goodenow on a daily basis. If these pricks and their selfish motives wish to deny me and my loved ones our favourite pasttime, so be it. Life goes on, we'll adapt and we will persevere. Freeing Stanley, however, is the right thing to do. God speed Mr. Panye. God speed.