There's little more Canadian than the Grey Cup. Lord Earl Grey donated the trophy to recognize the top amateur rugby football team in Canada and the University of Toronto Varsity Blues won the first one way back in 1909. The Toronto Argonauts won their first one in 1914 but I'm hoping they win another tonight.
Living in Toronto this week, there wasn't quite the buzz you'd expect from a city playing for the championship on Sunday. People were pleased but not ecstatic for the most part. This city gets far more excited by a first round Maple Leaf win. I'm not referring to a first round victory, but merely a single win. A Grey Cup title simply doesn't have the necessary prestige for this city and that's unfortunate.
In a league as small as the CFL, you're bound to win your share of titles. Since the Leafs last won the Stanley Cup back in 1967, the Argos have won the Grey Cup four times. In fact, the Argonauts have won the Grey Cup more times than any other team, 14 times in total, which is the 4th most in North American professional sports, behind the New York Yankees, the Montreal Canadiens and the Boston Celtics.
Lets get #15 tonight. I'm one Torontonian who will be watching.