A single Pictures page wasn't cutting the mustard any more. I'm adding pictures all the time and the Pictures page keeps getting longer and longer. I've split the page into two so that the Pictures page continues to host the most recent pictures while another page hosts archived pictures and old favourites. It's pretty straight forward, you'll catch on quick.
I've made another change to the two Pictures pages. You may have noticed that next to each thumbnail I posted the date I took the shot. Apparently there was much confusion with the formatting of these dates. Which number represented the year? Which number represented the month? Wonder no more because I'm now using letters to indicate the month. Pictures posted today, for example, will show a date displayed as follows: Nov 19, 2004. I've also reduced the date font to a 6 point because I felt like it.
Finally, I've amended the code of all pages referenced on My MP3s. Previously, visiting the page for a CD in my collection like Neil Young's "Freedom" resulted in a dead end. There was no link to the rest of my site. Every day dozens and dozens of people Google their favourite songs and end up on one of my pages only to go away without experiencing Homer's Quote, the Dead Pool or this exhilarating blog. That won't happen again. I won't let it happen again. All 519 album pages now include the main navigation menu.
My work here is done.