I stumbled upon a list of the top selling 40 albums of all time the other day, and it got me thinking. How many of the top 10 selling albums of all time do I currently have in my collection? Lets see...
- The Eagles: Their Greatest Hits - I've always been amazed at how popular this album is despite the fact it doesn't include "Hotel California". I've never owned it and I have no interest in owning it. The Eagles bore me.
- Michael Jackson: Thriller - At some point in the early 80s I owned this album on cassette. At some point in the early 80s I think everyone owned this album on cassette. I have no longer know where that tape went and I have no plans to return Thriller to my collection.
- Pink Floyd: The Wall - I like Pink Floyd but I'm hardly a huge fan. I have the MP3s from "Dark Side of the Moon" and I had the double cassette "Delicate Sound of Thunder" but I don't own "The Wall".
- Led Zeppelin: Untitled (IV) - This one is in my collection.
- Billy Joel: Greatest Hits, Volume 1 & 2 - I don't have any Billy Joel but I do enjoy a few of his earlier tunes.
- AC~DC: Back In Black - This one is in my collection.
- Shania Twain: Come On Over - This one is in my collection but not because of me but because of Taryn. She's the fan, I'm just a casual observer.
- Fleetwood Mac: Rumours - No sir, I don't have it.
- The Beatles: The Beatles (White Album) - I've got seven albums from The Beatles, but not this one. I'm not sure why I don't. I probably should.
- Whitney Houston & Various Artists: The Bodyguard - I don't own it and I never will!!!!