Does anyone really care who Puff Daddy thinks won last night's debate between Dubya and John Kerry? I was just flipping the stations and Entertainment Tonight seemed awfully interested in P. Diddy's take on the matter.
I watched all ninety minutes last night and I don't think there's any doubt as to who came off sharper, cooler and more presidential. John Kerry gave the better performance but Dubya didn't implode despite the fact I was willing him to do just that. My favourite moments of the night were those split screen shots while John Kerry was speaking that showed Dubya making those strange faces. I'd love to have a camera just focused on Dubya for the next debate. It's priceless.
I keep hearing that Dubya's greatest asset is the fact he makes a decision and sticks with it no matter what. Is this really a positive attribute? Suppose he makes up his mind about something and it's the wrong decision. Dubya would stubbornly stay the course with blinders on because he doesn't "flip-flop" and he doesn't change his mind. An open-minded, intelligent person continues to learn and look at things from various perspectives and not only can modify their opinion on a particular subject but should modify their opinions. I don't believe all the same things I did ten years ago and that's not a character flaw but a sign that I'm a growing person who has kept an open mind about things. Dubya's inability to consider the fact things may not have always been as they have seemed is a recipe for disaster and a frightening proposition. Dubya should stop smirking so much when bragging about such short comings.