For $9.95 The Tragically Hip are offering their entire concert from July 1st at the Molson Amphitheatre as an MP3 download.
If you buy the MP3s you can also download original artwork. It's an interesting idea and I hope it succeeds, but I'm not quite ready to fork over ten bucks for the privilege. Below is the announcement from The Hip.
Hi Fans.
We are very pleased and excited to announce the first release of The Hip Live Series, Volume 1. We've chosen our past show at Molson Amphitheatre in Toronto, this past July 1. Highlighted in the show is Gord's performance of the Canadian National Anthem, with Joel Plaskett on guitar.
Complete with original artwork, that you all can download and print, we hope to release more shows in the coming months. We've partnered with Live Downloads, who are the industry leader, and have provided this service for others such as Metallica, Dave Matthews Band, and Phish.
Please go to: livedownloads.com Enjoy the show!
Das Hips
They chose a fantastic show for their first release as you can see from the setlist on my Tragically Hip page. I'm looking forward to the day when our ticket for admission to the concert entitles us to download the show. They already bury so many service charges and extra fees into the price one more wouldn't be noticed. The MP3s from this show would make a most excellent souvenir, I just don't like the idea of whipping out the credit card a second time.