Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following submission earlier today.
Hey Mike,
I've been looking on e-bay for the value of a 1973 autographed Darryl Sittler hockey stick ever since reading Kim's guest blog of Sept. 28th (Ah ... that glorious day ... "Henderson has scored for Canada!!!!").
I couldn't find a Sittler stick for sale which leads me to believe no one is selling them because of their perceived rarity and high value. I would venture that $750 to $1000 is closer to the stick's true worth. At the time of writing this blog I did see a 1970 Sittler rookie hockey card for sale on e-bay for just over ... $720. It still has a few days to go and should increase as time goes on. Simply click on this link to monitor its price.
P.S. I'm NOT the seller
Good work Tim.