I am deliriously happy. All day long I've been walking on air with a song in my heart. All this is the result of a great night of baseball.
We didn't receive a bonus for the victory and my wicked stab at shortstop won't be shown on Sportscentre but none of that matters. Yesterday's heart-stopping come-from-behind victory is more intoxicating than any drug. I've heard from others on the team and I'm not the only one experiencing this natural buzz. My teammate Mike E. summed it up nicely in this email below he sent to the entire team.
I kept running around the house last night saying "I can't believe we just won that....that was an AWESOME series of battles!!" I felt like a kid in a candy store after that performance. You guys all played an amazing set of games. We battled back after a crushing defeat and never lost hope. In fact, the way that first game fired us up was incredible. That's the beauty of this team. No matter how bruised or battered we get, we NEVER give up and battle back as hard as we can.
Mike's right. We lost the first game 18-8 and looked to be down and out. That was three games against Hollywood and three defeats. We had to scratch and claw our way back in the second game and managed to pull out a hard fought 10-6 victory. With the momentum on our side, we picked up game three right where we left off and hammered 'em 18-9. We reached down and found that something extra that great teams have. Victory was ours and this brilliant buzz is our reward.
The updated stats are now on our Raging Storm home page. When we win the championship next week, we'll have memories that will last a lifetime. Today, I am deliriously happy.