On Sunday mornings, James and I often watch a show entitled "Tipi Tales". In fact, we saw it this morning. It's my favourite of all the shows aimed at toddlers and preschoolers, comprising Aboriginal stories told from the Canadian Cree perspective.
In "Tipi Tales", four Ojibway cousins learn the tools of life during visits to their great-grandparents' home. Their teachers are enchanting forest animals who embody the seven ancient aboriginal laws - love, respect, courage, honesty, wisdom, humility and truth. It's very cool spiritual stuff with great music and story telling.
It's a very calming half hour. Perhaps that's why I took to it so. Most of what's aimed at toddlers and preschoolers bores me to death and that's why James and I typically feast on episodes of "The Simpsons", but this "Tipi Tales" is alright too.