Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following submission earlier today.
It's officially true. All of the good readers of torontomike.com have heard the worst opinion of music of all time! I came across the blog which stated "...Good Charlotte is the best punk act of all time..." HA! is all I can say to that. Evidently, our young and naive reader Tina has never heard of four British fellows named Johnny Rotten, Sid Vicious, Steve Jones and Paul Cook.....The Pistols! While they had only launched one official album, they emulated the true punk feeling, and were one of the integral bands to really bring the music to the mainstream. While the quintesental punk album "Never mind the bollocks" is approaching 30 years old, it can not change the fact that this album is the precise definiation of the term "Punk Music". Good Charlotte are not even in the same ball park as The Pistols. Evidentally Tina is not really up on her music. But, if I was a betting man, (which, I am) I would guess she's about 16. Not exactly full of musical knowledge. While you or I can not argue her liking to GC (seein With that, I have one parting thought....
"God save the Queen, we really mean it, Man!"
Mark Sarookanian
Like I said, that post was the funniest thing I'd read in a long, long time. In an entry I entitled The Walkman I reminisced about the first time I really and truly heard The Sex Pistols. As I recall, they didn't sound anything like Good Charlotte and that was the point, dammit! Once day Tina will have a moment like this. One day, Tina will be saved too.