The NHL season must be coming to a close because this is my second baseball entry of the day. ESPN has ranked the stadiums in Major League Baseball. SkyDome finished 23rd out of 30.
I'm actually surprised we fared as well as we did. It's hard to believe there are seven ballparks ESPN deems worse than our dome. Of course, Montreal's dome finished dead last and I knew we'd beat them.
I've seen dozens and dozens of games at SkyDome and I've grown to hate it. The game is great and I love it while I'm there because in the end it's the game that matters, but I know how wonderful an experience it could be going to a Blue Jays game. Firstly, we should lose the dome. I understand there might be a few rain outs but baseball should be played outside. Sure, our dome retracts, but it's still a dome. We need an open air stadium. Furthermore, SkyDome is way too cavernous. I know we used to draw 50,000 a game, but those days are long gone. A charming outdoor 30,000 - 35,000 seat stadium would be ideal. Finally, baseball should be played on grass. I hate astroturf.
SkyDome is an ugly concrete mess. I'm not even going to get into the cost of SkyDome to build, I just care about the park my team plays their home games in. Leaves of grass under the sun with 30,000 fellow fans. That's my dream for Toronto.