I was looking forward to a relaxing night at home. We had Italian sausages ready for the BBQ and it was my first open night in a while. Nothing was going to ruin this night of peace, right? Wrong.
Very pregnant Taryn started feeling a tightening in her stomach that wouldn't budge. Breathing became difficult and slight contraction-like hiccups started. A call to Telehealth Ontario confirmed what we already knew. It could be premature labour and we had to go to the hospital.
Instead of relaxing in the backyard with a BBQ we took a family trip to the hospital where they gave Taryn a bed and began monitoring Michelle and the contractions. Eventually, a very nice doctor gave us her diagnosis. The baby is perfectly fine and the mild contractions are most likely being caused by the same tightness in the stomach which itself was most likely severe gas. That's right, we spent hours in the hospital tonight because Taryn was bloated with bad gas.
We still had the BBQ...