Toronto Mike

Guest Blog Entry

Guest Blog Submission

Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to  I received the following submission late last night.

Ok so here i sit infront this mighty box that mr gates said 'drink beers and post!', now for you all you out there in radio land, i'm a somwhat advid golfer, own a lincoln town car, (which can hold several bodies err golf bags and people) and was looking for a theme song to play at warp 10 when i hit the golf course, then it hit me, "who let the dogs out" ok sure i'm not really a dog, heck, i don't even own one, but thats not important right now.  So i happily key word into goolge who let the dogs out and golf and low and behold i stumble *hick* on this site - what are the odds!  So because Mr Mike is kind enuff to let schmoes like me post anonymuosely (that anonemouse with a y) i thought i would take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.

Alls i can say is; Watch Trailer Park boys, Golf when you can, and most importantly, have a car with a stereo that can let people know YOU are there!

This public service announcement was brought to you by the makers of BEER, not just any beer, but all beers, beers you know, beers that you've wanted to know, and even beers that have wanted to know you!


Live long and perspire!


Drunken Guest Blog Entries are always welcome at

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.