Now that Taryn is showing, she's resurrected the maternity clothes she wore when she was carrying James. Still, she needed one more piece of maternity wear, so she visited a store that sells such things in Toronto Maple Leafs. At the checkout counter, they encouraged her to bring home a pamphlet entitled "Witness the Miracle of Life".
The 3D photos of a fetus on the cover piqued my interest, so I read on. A company out of Mississauga called UC Baby 3D Ultrasound is using parental guilt as a marketing tool. For $185 you can view your baby for a whole 30 minutes in 3D. For an additional $25 they'll even put the video on DVD for you. How do they guilt you into blowing over $200 for a completely unnecessary service? Read the following direct quote from their publication.
Expecting a baby is such a precious period in a parents-to-be's life and it needs to be treasured. Our revolutionary 3D/4D ultrasound provides detailed pictures and real time movies of your unborn baby. Parents have the opportunity to spend quality time with their unborn baby and can share this amazing experience with their family and friends. We have an extra monitor and the comfort of a family atmosphere set to beautiful music in our ultrasound room.
We provide a unique bonding ultrasound with lifetime lasting memories. The term "bonding ultrasound" describes the natural desire of parents to see and bond and love their offspring. Evidence shows that 3D/4D ultrasound viewing enhances bonding in the long term and improves the mothers care of herself and therefore the baby.
How I bonded with James without this service I'll never know. Poor Michelle/Daniel and I don't have a prayer. I'm all too content to let OHIP foot the bill for a regular 2D ultrasound in a couple of weeks. I still have a "natural desire" to "see and bond and love" my offspring, I'm just going to do it in 2D.