Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following submission earlier today.
What was the name for the Power Plant Softball team with the ringers. Thanks.
The Simpsons episode you're referring to is Homer at the Bat, a gem from season three. The team Mr. Burns assembled with the ringers was the company softball team. I don't believe they had a nick name but were simply known as the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant team. If I'm wrong, I hope someone corrects me. Perhaps I'll pop the DVD in tonight to verify this.
Springfield is home to a minor league team. Perhaps this is the name you're looking for. Their team is called the Springfield Isotopes.
I'm glad you brought up "Homer at the Bat". In real life, many members of this All-Star team also suffered bizarre incidents which hampered their effectiveness after the 1992 season. Here are the ringers for the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant Team and how they were cursed.
POSNAMEFATE ON SIMPSONSFATE IN REAL LIFEPRoger ClemensHypnosis convinces him he's a chickenActually, Clemens had some great years after 1992.CMike ScosciaRadiation poisoning from plant accidentInjured, missed all of '93 season. Retired.1BDon MattinglyKicked off team for refusing to cut sideburnsNumerous injuries, decline in power2BSteve SaxArrested on suspicion by Springfield Police Dept.Lost job, became .230-hitting role playerSSOzzie SmithEnters Springfield Mystery Spot and disappearsSlow decline in fielding skills3BWade BoggsBeaten up by Barney in Moe's Tavern brawlAverage fell to .259. Signed with YankeesLFJose CansecoBusy rescuing furniture from burning houseArm & back injuries curtail career. Drugs, violence, disgraceCFKen Griffey JrMr Burns' nerve tonic causes gigantismInjuries, injuries, injuriesRFDarryl StrawberryPinch-hit for by Homer SimpsonDrugs, alcohol, guns, disgrace