For a long time, there was just Taryn and I and the dog. Then, a little over two years ago, there was a baby. James has always been cute and a lot of fun to play with, but only recently could I say in all honesty there were three people living in our house.
James has become a full-fledged person with a personality all his own and the ability to communicate. He's a little dude now, eager to participate with us. It's now possible to sit at the kitchen table and have a real conversation with him. It's absolutely awesome.
James will tell us about the people he knows and the things he wants to do using actual sentences. If he sees a glass of milk in front of him and mommy, he'll ask if daddy is having some milk too. When he's doing something he thinks is particularly cool, like turning a flashlight on and off or balancing a book on his head, he wants to share this accomplishment. "Mommy, Daddy, look at me, look at me" he'll say, or "Look what I can do!". We're finally conversing with James.
It's been a wonderful two years as a family of three (in addition to the dog), but now that we're three distinct personalities with likes and dislikes and the ability to share and communicate, it's far better than I'd ever dreamed possible. To think we made this awesome little dude. Now that's cool.