I was reading on the World Wide Web about how people are taking all of their MP3s and playing them all randomly and sharing the first ten songs listed. With Windows Media Player, you simply create a playlist that is your entire collection of MP3s, select "Shuffle" from the Play menu and play.
Here are the first 20 songs that played when my entire collection was shuffled. Nothing particularly embarrassing here, thankfully.
- The White Stripes - Now Mary
- Jimi Hendrix - Burning of the Midnight Lamp
- The Tragically Hip - The Dire Wolf
- System of a Down - P.L.U.C.K.
- The Tragically Hip - Don't Wake Daddy
- Pearl Jam - Long Road (Live)
- Johnny Cash - Hurt
- Pearl Jam - All or None (Live)
- Cypress Hill - Stoned is the Way of the Walk
- Queens of the Stone Age - Do it Again
- Stone Temple Pilots - Vasoline
- Disturbed - Intoxication
- Hayden - You Were Loved
- Nirvana - Scentless Apprentice (Live)
- Audioslave - Get Away Car
- Beastie Boys - Mark on the Bus
- Alice in Chains - Would?
- Beastie Boys - Professor Booty
- Temple of the Dog - Times of Trouble
- Nirvana - Lithium