As regular readers know, I'm going to watch Conan O'Brien tape his Late Night talk show here in Toronto with my brother Steve. We're going to Thursday's show and I'm a little concerned.
Listening to CFNY Edge 102 this morning, whose studio is across the street from the Elgin Theatre, fans with tickets camped out overnight and there was a lineup at 06:10 for the 16:30 taping. The tickets aren't actually tickets either. You need one to get in, but having one doesn't necessarily guarantee you access. The seats are first come first serve.
Although the tickets state we should be there by 15:30, I'm thinking we're going to have to join that lineup at least a few hours earlier than that. Here's hoping for a sunny day while Steve and I brave the elements. With a little luck, we'll actually make it in and this won't all be a waste of valuable time and energy. Who am I kidding...it beats the hell out of working either way.