Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following submission earlier today.
I have some questions regarding your website that I would like to ask at this time.
1. Why are there so few video postings? I for one would like to see more video clips of james.
2. Why are we unable to give our blog entry a title? I think there should be a section to enter a title above our actual discussion.
3. If we post a blog entry and do not enter our name or email address do we remain annonymous to everyone, including yourself? Can you personally tell who sent the message?
These are my questions. And I demand answers!!!!!
Here are my answers:
- The reason there are so few video postings is the time it takes. First you have to take the video, then I have to plug the video camera into the firewire on my PC and capture the clips into Windows Media Video format. That's why there's typically only videos after a birthday or events like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc. Having said all that, I've been pretty good at posting new videos every month and currently in Videos I've got clips from January 18th and February 1st and, as a special treat because you made the request, I'll have new clips from this weekend posted in the next couple of hours. I'll aim for new clips every two weeks.
- If you'd like to give your Guest Blog entry a title, that's cool. In the big field for your blog entry just type in the title and double space down before starting piece. As for the main title above, I've been giving all Guest Blog entries the title "Guest Blog Entry" to differentiate other people's writings from my own. Everything is me except those postings with the title "Guest Blog Entry".
- If you post a Guest Blog entry without entering your name or other identifying feature such as an email address or URL for your home page, I will never know who you are. That form is driven by a perl script that basically emails me in plain text everything you entered. When I post it from anonymous it really is anonymous, even to yours truly.
I'm happy to answer any and all questions as best I can. Don't hesitate to ask away!