Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following submission earlier today.
I agree with Mary, the Super Bowl, whether it be half-time or the game, isn't suitable for young children at the best of times, so in my opinion, people who allow them to watch it, do so at their own risk, taking the chance that something inappropriate may be seen or heard.
I agree, hopefully parents don't rip each other's clothes off to reveal piercings in front of children, not that there's anything wrong with piercings. I've always thought they were neat and a form of individual creative expression. As a result, I've always thought about getting some, but I don't know if I have the pain threshold. I had my ears pierced when I was 3 and still remember my screams echoing through Square One in my birthplace of Mississauga. Therefore, I admire anyone who has piercings in other body parts. The more odd the piercing, the more interesting. If all piercings were the same, the world would be boring.
I agree, there's nothing wrong with nudity and I'm sure Justin ripping off the piece of Janet's bodice to reveal her bare breast with metal solar medallion nipple piercing was agreed upon by Janet and Justin and rehearsed. I knew Janet had a nipple piercing, but I'm sure she doesn't wear that medallion everyday and that her clothes don't rip off that easily. I'm sure there was a hook, a button, something... I think Janet and Justin have also been linked in the past, so I'm sure they're comfortable with each other.
Janet and Justin are music artists and artists in the music industry do these things. Their sexuality is an integral part of who they are and what they do. I like Janet and Justin and everything they do. Janet is one of my favourite female artists, she has a good personality, is very creative, talented and beautiful, so maybe I'm biased. I have her "Velvet Rope" CD and her "Live in Hawaii" DVD, so it doesn't come as much of a surprise that she bared her breast at the Super Bowl half-time show. I also have Justin's "Justified" CD and went to his and Christina Aguilera's "Justified & Stripped" concert at the ACC, so maybe I have a greater appreciation for the whole thing. Freedom of creative sexual expression is something I appreciate. Go Madonna, Christina, Britney, Justin, Janet and others. I may just go watch Janet Live in Hawaii, listen to Velvet Rope or Justified after I submit this.
This could be argued 'till the cows come home. This entertainment news story has been blown out of proportion and is receiving WAY more attention than it should. It was only a boob. I think we should stop being so hard on J & J. Don't worry Janet and Justin, I won't hold it against ya and you still both have a place in my CD & DVD collection.
I agree with one thing you wrote. This story has been blown way out of proportion and is receiving way more attention than it should. It was just a boob but what should we expect from a country founded by puritans. As for your taste in music, it's horrible. There will never be a place in my CD and DVD collection for Janet or Justin. Yuck.