Poor Scott Weiland. Weiland, former lead singer of the now defunct Stone Temple Pilots, was ordered to return to a live-in drug detoxification centre. He's not eligible for release until July. This is just the latest in a long line of legal troubles Weiland has had as a result of his addiction to heroin.
I've always been a big fan of STP. I saw them a few years back and Weiland was electric on stage. I was sorry to hear the band broke up this year and I included their farewell single in my top five of 2003. Unfortunately, the man is seriously addicted to smack and I'm afraid he's not long for this world so long as he keeps falling off the wagon. I've believed this to be the case for a while, even picking him in the Dead Pool my brothers and I drafted back in 2000.
So many musicians I dig have died as a result of a heroin overdose. Brad Nowell, lead singer of Sublime, died of a heroine overdose in '96. Their self-titled third and final release remains one of my favourite discs of all time. Andrew Wood, lead singer of Seattle's Mother Love Bone, died of a heroin overdose just prior to the release of their major label debut in '90. Members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Hole and Sex Pistols have all succumbed to a heroin overdose. Layne Staley, lead singer for another of my favourite bands of all-time, Alice in Chains, died two years ago of a heroin overdose. Lest we forget Kurt Cobain, lead singer of Nirvana. His death certificate may claim he died of a self-inflicted gun shot wound, but there is no doubt as to the role heroin played in his untimely demise. This was the hardest pill to swallow.
Here's hoping Scott Weiland doesn't join the others in this tragic club. I fear it's already too late. It's just a matter of time before he succeeds.