Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following submission earlier today.
I too took quite some time in life to realize what exercise can do for the body as well as the mind. It is one of those things that gives you a good feeling about yourself if you stick to your program. It also allows you the euphoric feeling that having done about 1 hr. of exercise does for you. The best part of it is that I can eat anything I want and not gain weight. Why wouldn't one put up with an hour of something that makes you feel good inside and look good outside and better yet allows you that pizza and pasta or chocolate that you love so much. Being thin as an adult I never realized what I was missing until I gained a few midlife pounds and found this all out the hard way. Everyone who likes themself should do this for themself. Better late than never.
Mary Boon
I get the sneaking suspicion you're all trying to tell me something. Message received. My Mom's Guest Blog is in response to Vanessa's entry which was in response to Marc's entry from earlier in the week.