Anyone is welcome to submit a Guest Blog Entry to torontomike.com. I received the following submission earlier today.
As a 25 year old product of the "MTV Generation", I find it very hard to be overly enthusiastic or excited about anything. Yet, it is 3:30 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon and I can barely contain my enthusiasm. Only one thing can bring me this excitement: The Leafs!! Tonight I will be attending a Leafs game with my brother and some friends. Nothing in this world can bring me the high of watching a puck bulge the twine and hearing the roar of 18000 fans. If there's a better high in this world, I have yet to feel it.
That's right! We're goin' to the ACC tonight to watch the blue and white. I've got my Bill Barilko jersey ready to go. I get to one or two games a year, so this is a pretty big deal. I'll see ya in a bit. Go Leafs Go!